…donated their time and effort on a volunteer project for the Racine County Food Bank

The following was featured in the Sheet Metal Local 18 newsletter:  I would like to recognize and acknowledge a few of our members from the Racine area who recently donated their time and effort on a volunteer project for the Racine County Food Bank The Food Bank had recently acquired a large walk-in freezer and cooler. They were concerned about damage to the bottom of the inside walls from pallets jacks bumping into the lightweight aluminum skin. Eric Klinkhammer, who spearheaded the volunteer effort, came up with the idea of fastening 31⁄2 x 6 x 3/8” angles around the interior perimeter of the coolers. Eric was able to get local companies to donate the materials and epoxy anchors to fasten the angles. The components were fabricated by Jim Finnigan, Chris Espisito, Dan Christiansen, and Mike Demarco. The employer they work for, Alloy Welding, Inc and Metal Fabrication (AWI) stepped up and allowed them to use the company equipment to fabricate, deliver, and install the angles. I assisted Jim and Chris with the installation on a Thursday evening, while Eric supervised and directed us. The work was very much appreciated by the Racine County Food Bank and I would like to thank the members who helped, especially Eric!

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